Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday mode - lunch recipe

 Happy Sunday everyone!
I know, I promised to shoot some outfits but it's been raining all day so it wasn't possible to make any good photo..
But instead I enjoyed sunday lunch with this beautiful thing above and I decided to make a tutorial about it. I saw it on instagram a while ago and today I tried it the first time.
 So, here we go!

What you need:
- a pineapple (surprise, surprise)
- 500g fruits (I've bought a frozen pack of exotic fruits in the supermarket)

What to do:
1. Cut off the head of the pineapple, it has to look like this:

2. Hollow out the inner of the pineapple. For this, I used a knife and then a spoon to spoon up the inner of the pineapple. It's a bit difficult but you have to be patient! (It's worth the time!) :-)


4. Cut the pineapple fruit flesh and fill in all the fruit into the pineapple.

5. Enjoy!


  1. wird nachgemacht! <33


  2. great idea!! me you've probably as follower! I'd be happy if you sometimes look over at me!
